hotels in Terra Alta
2 Hotels in and nearby Terra Alta
5% off on your reservations
Bot, Terra Alta, Tarragona
Pratdip, Baix Camp, Tarragona (67km from Terra Alta)
Terra Alta
The Terra Alta area comprises 12 municipalities, is located in the northern mountains of Maciso of Ports and set a magnificent plateau with outstanding Pàndols saws and Cavalls. It belongs to the province of Tarragona and the capital is Gandesa. His name is associated with wine production which has a denomination of origin recognition.
The importance of agriculture, makes it less industrialized area of the four counties that make up the Ebro, it also preserves a wide variety of landscapes in virgin state, the people i have retained their beauty and charm of the times past.
In arable areas dominated by almond and avellanedos, also highlights the vineyard. Of Olives is removed one of the most precious virgin oils from all over Catalonia